The Importance of Learning Arabic with “3arabian”, a Short Arabic Story
“قصة بالعربي : أهمية تعلّم اللغة العربية مع "عرابيان
Qessa bil 3arabi: Ahammiyyat ta3allom el logha el 3arabiyya ma3 3arabian
Learning Arabic with 3arabian 📖
1- This story & its audio is in a neutral spoken Arabic dialect.
2- Letter ق which is the “q”, but in Levantine & Egyptian dialects it’s pronounced as “A” breaking / pausing sound.
3- Letter “3” stands for ع which is “A” sound from the throat.
4- Letter “7” stands for ح which is the strong “H” sound.
Fi yom min el ayyaam, fi 3aalam malyaan ta7addiyet w foras, kan fi shab esmo Yousef, ken saaken fil Riyadh. Ken ya7eb el safar kteer w ken 3endo raghbe qawiyya la-ye7aqqeq naje7 be majel al-a3maal.
في يوم من الأيام، في عالم مليان تحديات وفرص، كان في شاب اسمه يوسف ساكن في الرياض. كان يحب السفر كثير وكان عنده رغبة قوية ليحقق نجاح بمجال الأعمال
Once upon a time, in a world full of challenges and opportunities, there was a young man named Yousef living in Riyadh. 🇸🇦
He used to love traveling a lot and had a strong desire to accomplish success in the business world. 💼📊
Bas, laa7az Yousef enno al-lughaat ra7 tesa3do fi sheghlo, wa khassatan al-lugha al-3arabiyye eza saafar 3ala balad bil Khaleej el 3arabi.
بس لاحظ يوسف إنو اللغات رح تساعده في شغله، وخاصةً اللغة العربية اذا سافر على بلد في الخليج العربي
However, Yousef realized that the languages would help him in his work, especially the Arabic language if he traveled to a country in the Arab Gulf. ✈️
Qarrar Yousef enno yesafer 3ala Dubai w ye3mel re7la la yet3allam 3arabi.
قرر يوسف انو يسافر على دبي ويعمل رحلة ليتعلّم عربي
Yousef decided to travel to Dubai and take a trip to learn Arabic. 🇦🇪
Sa2al el naas w shaaf eno a7san madrasa la ta3leem el logha el 3arabiyya fi el 3aalam w fi Dubai khassatan hiya sharikat “3arabian”. 🏢
سأل الناس وشاف انو أحسن مدرسة لتعليم اللغة العربية في العالم وفي دبي خاصةً هي شركة عرابيان
He asked people and found / saw that the best institute to teach Arabic in the world, and in Dubai specifically, is the company “3arabian”.
Ballash Yousef bi 7amaas ye7dar el durous kol yom ma3 modarres momtaaz!
بلّش يوسف بحماس يحضر الدروس كل يوم مع مدرِّس ممتاز
Yousef started attending classes enthusiastically with an excellent teacher! 👨🏫
W mashallah ba3ed talata ashhor saar modmen 3ala el durous w kaman saar ye7ki mitil el “bulbul” bil 3aarabi ma3 as7aabo.
وما شاء الله بعد ثلاثة أشهر صار مدمن على الدروس وكمان صار يحكي مثل البلبل بالعربي مع أصحابه
And God bless him, after three months he became addicted to learning Arabic and started speaking like a “songbird” in Arabic with his friends. 🗣
Lamma khallas al re7la fi Dubai, qarrar Yousef yestakshef balad 3arabi jadeed w yet3allam lahja 3arabiyya jadeeda.
لمّا خلّص الرحلة في دبي، قرّر يوسف يستكشف بلد عربي جديد ويتعلّم لهجة عربية جديدة
When he finished his trip to Dubai, he decided to explore a new Arab country and learn a new Arabic dialect.
Fa qarrar yesafer fi re7la jadeeda ma3 sharikat 3arabian kaman bas haydi el marra 3ala al Ordon. W shaf Yousef nafso fil Ordon 3am yestakhdem al-logha el 3arabiyya be theqa kabeera w ballash yefham 3adaat w taqaaleed al 3arab henaak.
فقرّر يسافر في رحلة جديدة مع شركة عرابيان كمان بس هيدي المرّة على الأردن. وشاف يوسف نفسه في الأردن عم يِستخدم اللغة العربية بثقة كبيرة وبلّش يفهم عادات وتقاليد العرب هناك
So he decided to travel on another trip with 3arabian as well, but this time to Jordan. 🇯🇴 Yousef saw / found himself in Jordan using Arabic with great confidence and started to understand the customs and traditions of the Arabs there. 🎭🎨🍴
W hek, saar Yousef shakhes naaje7 fil mojtama3 el 3arabi, tab3an kello be sabab enno ta3allam keef ye7ki 3arabi ma3 “3arabian”.
وهيك، صار يوسف شخص ناجح في المجتمع العربي، طبعًا كلّه بسبب أنّه تعلّم كيف يحكي عربي مع عرابيان
And just like that, Yousef became a successful person in Arab society, of course all of this because he learned how to speak Arabic with “3arabian”. 🥇🔠
We highly recommend that Arabic learners check out our tailored One-to-One classes that offer Arabic lessons on different speaking/writing levels using fun and simple teaching methods! 🤩